IF I preordered the CE with free starter kit from ebgames after the world preview (1 week ago), does this mean I don't get any of the preorder special items?
I think it's all going to ship on the 26th but I just want to make sure I'm getting the special items..
Assuming you have already entered in the key to your account, simply log in and type /bonusitems, and the items should appear in your inventory right then in there
If you havn't gotten it (as it seems in your post, kind of confusing), just type in that once you do add the key.
Yea I ordered Collectors edition with the free starter kit, and since I had only just preordered about 1 week ago, I wondered if I still would get the items..
So I see just to make sure to put in the key and it should all go well.
check your email i got an email yesterday that told me that my CE would be shipping on the 25th instead of the 26th..........i wont beleive it untill the blue word "Processing" changes to "Shipped"